

Terms of Use The following are the rules or “Terms” that govern use of the website (“Site”) operated by the American Egg Board’s Egg Nutrition Center (“ENC”). By using or visiting the Site, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and to follow these Terms and all applicable laws and regulations governing […]

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Recipe Collections Mediterranean The Mediterranean diet has been recognized as one of the healthiest ways to eat.1 Research indicates that this healthy eating pattern is associated with a number of nutritional benefits, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.2 While olive oil, fish, and vegetables are some of


Eggs and Salmonella Enteritidis

Eggs have been associated with the foodborne illness causing bacteria SalmonellaEnteritidis (SE).  There are many different types of Salmonella bacteria,SE is just one of thousands of different types.  In addition, Salmonellaand SE are found in a wide variety of food products including meat, poultry,unpasteurized dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and contaminatedwater.   It was once thought

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Unscrambling a Very “Scrambled Eggs” Message

In a recently published report titled “Scrambled Eggs. How aBroken Food Safety System Let Contaminated Eggs Become a National Food PoisoningEpidemic”, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) hasconcluded that the leading cause of food borne illnesses in the United States isthe egg. Using a combination of reported statements by “experts” and avariety

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Table ofContents Historicallyfood safety issues were the responsibility of each individual. As society became more industrialized the safety of food production,preparation and consumption became more of a concern. At the beginning of the twentieth century, lack of scientific knowledgeand food industry guidance led to outbreaks of foodborne illness all over theworld. Withthe advent of more advanced scientific

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Nutrition Research Update

New Findings on Eggs and Heart Disease and Eggs in Pregnancy for Fetal Health featured at the Experimental Biology Conference in Washington, DC Poster presentations in the Washington Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Balancing and Communicating Risks and Benefits Associated with Egg Consumption: a Relative Risk Study (poster number D68) Monday, April 30, 1:45 pm –

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