
Nutritious Dietary Patterns

Dietary patterns (also called eating patterns) are the combinations and quantities of food and beverages consumed over time. Consistent evidence indicates that, in general, a plant-based dietary pattern is more health-promoting than the current average U.S. diet. However, a “plant-based” eating patterns doesn’t mean only plants; pairing high-quality protein foods, like eggs, with plants is […]

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Eggs Across The Lifespan

Eggs contain a number of nutrients that are essential throughout the lifespan: High-quality protein contains building blocks needed to support healthy bones and muscles. Research suggests that exercise, along with optimal protein intake, can slow the effects of sarcopenia or chronic age-related muscle loss. Choline is essential for normal liver function and brain health. It

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 18 – Number 1 Spring 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cholesterol-Lowering Diet is Safe in Young Children Linolenic Fatty Acids Increase Age Related Macular Degeneration Risk Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lower Total Stroke Risk in Women High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves Glucose Metabolism Genetic Regulation of Cholesterol Absorption Familial Traits Play an Important Role in

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 16 – Number 1 Spring 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS Hyper-Response to Dierary Fat and Cholesterol in Apolipoprotein E 4/4 Subjects Moderate Physical Activity as Effective as Structured Exercise Program Transfer of Human Apo A-I gene in Mice Increses Apo A-I and HDL Cholesterol Levels Heterogeneity in Lipoprotein Response to Diet Iron Status and CHD

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 15 – Number 1 Spring 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Hyperlipidemia and Response to Dietary Cholesterol Effects of Aggressive and Moderate Fat-Restriction on Plasma Lipids of Hyperlipidemic Men BMI Associated with Mortality in Younger People Effects of Diet Intervention on CVD Risk Factors Efficacy of Diet and Weight Loss on CHD Risk of Obese, Post-menopausal

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 17 – Number 2 Summer 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Low-Fat Diets and Plasma HDL Cholesterol Levels Lycopene Protects Against Aortic Atherosclerosis Progression Anger Associated with CHD Risk in Normotensive Adults Effects of Omega-3 Enriched and Regular Egg Consumption on Plasma Lipids in Hypercholesterolemic Adults Relationship Between CHD Deaths and Blood Pressure Varies Among Different

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 16 – Number 2 Summer 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS Egg Consumption Not Associated with CVD and Stroke Casein Diet Lowers Lipoprotein(a) Levels Minority Populations and CVD Risks Aging and CHD Risk Factors in Women Stanol-Containing Margarines Lower Plasma Cholesterol Levels Very Low-Fat Diet Associated with Small LDL Long-term Exercise Associated with Improved Immunological Markers

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 18 – Number 3 Fall 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Lutein Delays Early Atherosclerosis Progression Ethnic Differences in Energy Expenditure and Food Intake in Women Statin Therapy Lowers C-reactive Protein Levels Positive Lifestyle Changes Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in High Risk Group Direct Relationship Noted Between Oxidized LDL and Severity of Acute Coronary Syndromes HDL

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 15 – Number 2 Summer 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Results from DELTA Study: Good News and Bad News Frequency of Exercise Associated with Reduced CHD Risk Dietary Fat and Plasma Lipoproteins in Trained Runners Inverse Relationship Between Low Plasma Folate and Vitamin B6 and CHD Risk Folic Acid Fortification Level not Adequate in Reducing

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Newsletters & Publications

Volume 17 – Number 3 Fall 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Positive Dietary and Lifestyle Pattern Lowers CVD Risk in Middle-Aged Women Dietary Fiber Intake Lowers CHD and All-Cause Mortality Rates  Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels in Insulin Resistant Population Racial Difference Noted with Dietary Fat and Plasma Cholesterol in Premenopausal Women Elevated Serum Cholesterol Increases CHD

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