
Unintended Consequences of Weight Loss: A Researcher Weighs In

Featured article in the August, 2016 Issue of Nutrition Research Update; written by Christian Wright, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Nutrition Science Laboratory of Nutrition, Fitness, and Aging Purdue University It goes without saying that our nation currently faces a serious obesity crisis. Nearly half of the United States has an obesity prevalence greater than 30% and not a single […]

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The egg: a useful tool for eating disorder nutrition therapy

Featured article in the Summer 2016 Issue of Nutrition Close-Up; written by Kylie Thompson, RDN As health professionals, we often idealize a nutrient-dense eating pattern as a tool to prevent disease. However, it is also important to recognize its role in the treatment of disease. Thisarticle describes the role of nutrition in the treatment of eating disorders (ED), and

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Novel strategies to lower inflammation through diet

Featured article in the Summer 2016 Issue of Nutrition Close-Up; written by Kristen Arnold, RDN, LD The two leading causes of death for women in the United States, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, are associated with elevated chronic inflammatory markers. Strategies to reduce inflammation are a possible treatment strategy to prevent rampant chronic diseases in postmenopausal women, a population particularly vulnerable to

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Vitamin-D enhanced eggs can protect serum vitamin D levels during the winter

Featured article in the August, 2016 Issue of Nutrition Research Update Vitamin D intakes are below recommendations for a large percentage of the population in the United States and Europe.  As such, supplementation is often recommended to maintain serum levels of vitamin D, particularly over winter.  An alternative approach is vitamin D fortification of suitable

Vitamin-D enhanced eggs can protect serum vitamin D levels during the winter Read More »

Fight fat phobia

Featured article in the Fall 2016 Issue of Nutrition Close-Up; written by Pamela Hernandez, CPT In 1976 when U.S. Senator George McGovern convened hearings on the link between diet and disease, he started a chain reaction that led to dietary fat and cholesterol being assigned much of the blame for heart disease and obesity in America. In

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Egg and Nutrition News

The Nutrition Close-Up is one of the many ways that ENC shares new perspectives in health and nutrition by featuring articles written by top experts in the field. Read the newest issue of Nutrition Close-Up today! See below for a highlight of what’s inside our nutrition newsletter.   Subscribe to the Nutrition Close-Up Newsletter Subscribe  

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Foods and My Baby: Perspectives from a Pregnant Mom

Featured article in the Fall 2017 Issue of Nutrition Close-Up; written by Rachel Bassler, RDN, CSSD, LDN Most pregnant women are bombarded with health and nutrition information via handouts from their doctor, advice from friends and family, or pregnancy smartphone apps (confession: I have three). Many times, information is geared towards what foods to avoid like raw

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